Become a Scout
If your child would like to become a Scout they can attend three sessions without any cost or commitment, as a visitor. If you'd like to join the group you can do so after your third visit
Before your child can become a member of the Group they will need to meet the following criteria
Please complete the Register for Mahi Tahi form before your first meeting, the first four visits are free of charge
Prepare a personal First aid Kit
Describe the composition of the NZ Flag
Explain why and what happens during the Flag Ceremony
Show a Knowledge and understanding of the Scout Law and Promise.
Describe the life of Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell and explain why he is important to Scouting
Be able to make the Scout salute and sign correctly
Take part in a Troop or Patrol activity
Our Scout Promise
On my honour, I promise to do my best,
To develop my spiritual beliefs,
To contribute to my community,country and world,
To help other people,
And to live by the Scout Law
Te Kī Taurangi Scout
E mana ai taku kī taurangi, kia pukumahi te mahi,
Kia tau te whakapono-ā-wairua,
Kia ihu oneone ki te hapori, ki te whenua tupu, ki te ao
Kia manaakitia tangata kē atu,
Kia ū ki tā te ture i kī mai ai
Our Scout Law
Have Respect
For yourself and others
For the environment
Do What is Right
Be trustworthy and tolerant
Have integrity
Be Positive
Accept challenges with courage
Be a friend to all
Te Ture Scout
He whai whakaaro
Ki a koe, ki tangata kē atu
Ki te taiao
Kia tika
Kia manawanui
Kia ngākau pono
Kia ngākau pai
Tū whitia te hopo
Hei hoa ki te katoa
Scout Motto
Be Prepared