This section is for youth aged from around 11 to 15 years of age
Scouts are organised into “Patrols”. Each Patrol having it’s own youth leader known as the Patrol Leader. This gives Scouts the opportunity to choose their own activities, and for the Patrol Leader to develop leadership kills. The Patrols are encouraged to plan and organise activities such as tramps, camps, cycle tours and canoe trips in order to develop team work and self reliance
Adult Leaders are responsible for running an exciting and challenging fun program based on the Scout method of working in small groups and using the outdoors. The aim is to encourage and foster opportunities for the Scouts to experience Leadership and Teamwork. A progressive award scheme enables Scouts to learn a range of new skills and earn badges, as well as working on both personal challenges and group activities
The Scout Section Objectives are
Satisfy personal relationships
Develop a sense of group achievement through membership of small friendship and interest groups
Participate in activities selected by the Patrol
Participate in individual hobbies and interests and so promote
Health and fitness
Knowledge and experience in the local and wider community
Promote appreciation of and experience in the outdoors
Opportunities for and training in community service
Promote cultural awareness and family involvement
Our Scout Promise
On my honour, I promise to do my best,
To develop my spiritual beliefs,
To contribute to my community,country and world,
To help other people,
And to live by the Scout Law
Te Kī Taurangi Scout
E mana ai taku kī taurangi, kia pukumahi te mahi,
Kia tau te whakapono-ā-wairua,
Kia ihu oneone ki te hapori, ki te whenua tupu, ki te ao
Kia manaakitia tangata kē atu,
Kia ū ki tā te ture i kī mai ai
Our Scout Law
Have Respect
For yourself and others
For the environment
Do What is Right
Be trustworthy and tolerant
Have integrity
Be Positive
Accept challenges with courage
Be a friend to all
Te Ture Scout
He whai whakaaro
Ki a koe, ki tangata kē atu
Ki te taiao
Kia tika
Kia manawanui
Kia ngākau pono
Kia ngākau pai
Tū whitia te hopo
Hei hoa ki te katoa
Scout Motto
Be Prepared